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Joshua A Hayden, PhD
Dr. Hayden is an Assistant Professor of Pathology at Weill Cornell Medical College and Director of the Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Laboratory at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, a College of American Pathologists (CAP) and New York State Department of Health accredited laboratory. Prior to joining the faculty at Weill Cornell, Dr. Hayden obtained a PhD in chemistry from Carnegie Mellon University and conducted postdoctoral research at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) before completing a two year clinical chemistry fellowship at UW (University of Washington).
Dr. Hayden is currently licensed by the ABCC (American Board of Clinical Chemistry) and holds a Certificate of Qualification from the New York State Department of Health. Dr. Hayden has served as a CAP (College of American Pathologist) inspector and has experience overseeing high volume, automated clinical laboratories. In addition, Dr. Hayden has special expertise developing and overseeing mass spectrometry assays in the clinical laboratory .